Police Property Act Fund is open for applications

About the Fund 

The Police Property Act Fund for 2023 is aimed at preventing rural crime and reducing anti-social behaviour in rural and coastal areas. 

Applications are invited from Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) groups & organisations in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, for projects operating outside of town centres & urban areas, which support communities to provide diversionary activities from drugs-related anti-social behaviour (ASB). 

The funding has been made available from the Police (Property) Regulations which is a statutory requirement to deal with money and other property which comes into the possession of the Police in connection with criminal charges or which is handed in by members of the public.  

The Fund can only award grants for activity that has a clear charitable purpose. As such, applications for core organisational running costs, maintenance, upkeep of facilities or buildings, etc, cannot be considered. 

New applicants and previous grantees are welcome to apply although funding should not be sought for projects previously or already funded by the OPCC (Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner) for example, through the Serious Violence Prevention Programme or Vision Zero. 

Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of £5,000.  

Grants will need to be spent within 12 months of receipt, and End of Grant reports & feedback must be provided within 3 months of the end of the grant period. 


Application Criteria 

To be considered for funding, applications must: 

  • Be from an eligible group or organisation (see Eligibility to Apply below) 
  • Detail how the applicant organisation or group is qualified, experienced. and well placed to deliver the diversionary activities as outlined. 
  • Detail the rural or coastal area/s in which the project will run. 
  • Detail who the primary beneficiaries taking part in the activity/ies are and how this is intended to prevent crime and/or reduce anti-social behaviour. 
  • Detail costs & expenses to be covered by the grant. 


Application Timeline 

Deadline for applications is: midnight on 31st October 2023. 

The Panel will meet in early December, and we will aim to inform applicants of the outcomes by close of play on Friday 15th December 2023. 


Application Form 



Eligibility to Apply 

Applications can be considered from not-for-profit community groups, organisations or social enterprises operating in Cornwall. You don’t need to be a registered charity, but your activities must be considered charitable, and you must have the following: 

  • A recognised governing document e.g. Constitution, Articles which outlines the organisation’s objectives, and it must have a Dissolution Clause. 
  • A minimum of three unrelated members on your Management Committee or Board of Trustees. If you are a registered charity, your trustees should be registered with the Charity Commission. 
  • If you are working with children and/or people at risk, you must have a Safeguarding Policy in place. This should include your Safeguarding Officer’s name/s and contact details and information on the training that staff / volunteers undertake. 
  • Up to date annual accounts for your organisation or group.  
  • A bank account in the organisation or group’s name which requires two unrelated signatories for all withdrawals. 
  • Current, relevant insurance policies. 


For further information about who can and cannot apply for grant funding from CCF, and answers to other FAQs, please see our webpage here: Frequently Asked Questions – Cornwall Community Foundation 

Any queries about the Fund or application process should be directed to grants@cornwallfoundation.com