Surviving Winter Appeal invites applications from community groups

Over £16,000 has been donated in the first month to our Cornwall Surviving Winter Appeal thanks to our generous Friends and supporters.

Kirsty Philpott, Grants Manager, says, “Thanks to the great response from our donors,  we are now awarding grants and inviting applications from organisations helping vulnerable people stay warm, healthy and well this winter. Particularly during the spells of poor weather, we know that the small grants make such a difference.”

St Austell Community Kitchen (STAK) received £900 from the 2017/18 Surviving Winter Appeal to distribute small grants of £30 to 30 individuals. STAK provides support services to the vulnerable, needy and homeless in St Austell. They achieve this by providing cut-priced nutritious food and drink, clothing, training and debt advice services to relieve poverty.  One grant recipient said, “I was able to not feel guilty about turning up my heating a little.”

STAK Project Manager, Mike Mellow, commented, “We observed an improvement in well-being through a reduction in poverty and the reduction in stress levels by not having to find extra money to keep warm.”

CEO Tamas Haydu says: “We are delighted to invite applications for funding from community groups working to support disadvantaged, vulnerable and elderly people in Cornwall. We are also open to receive further donations – the more money we receive, the more people who are struggling we can help.”

We have also received £33,000 funding from The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity specifically to help fund projects supporting elderly people and alleviating loneliness


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send a cheque, payable to The Cornwall Community Foundation, in an envelope addressed: Freepost CORNWALL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. (No stamp or postcode needed).