Surviving Winter Appeal 2020/21 – people in Cornwall need your help now
Winter conditions are difficult for many poor and vulnerable people every year. This year the challenges are being exacerbated by the effects of the Coronavirus crisis.
We are appealing for donations for our Surviving Winter Campaign 2020/21. The Campaign alleviates the hardship associated with winter living conditions for elderly and vulnerable residents across Cornwall.
Some donors to this Fund donate the Winter Fuel Payments they do not need themselves. Others, who do not qualify for the Winter Fuel Payment, choose to donate nonetheless because they recognise there is an urgent need to help people who struggle in winter.
CCF Development Director, Jeremy Ward, says, ” Last winter, thanks to the generosity of people like you, we awarded grants of £18,500. We would love to be able to help even more people during the winter of 2020/21 and we are already experiencing a high level of demand for grants.”
Winter is a very challenging time for many people. More than 1 in 8 households (33,000 homes) in Cornwall live in fuel poverty. Public Health England have highlighted how cold weather exacerbates health problems and 2019 figures estimated there were 720 excess winter deaths in Cornwall alone due to cold weather.
Surviving Winter is a really effective way to help this winter. The money raised from the Appeal will be awarded to carefully assessed, grassroots Cornish organisations who work with individuals struggling to survive.
CCF Surviving Winter awarded funding to the Drop-In And Share Centre Newquay. Monique Collins, Manager, said, “As many of our clients are street homeless, in temporary accommodation or on very low incomes, the winter months can be particularly challenging for them. This grant has enabled us to also feed those who are in accommodation but who live with food poverty, addictions and many other challenges.”
Liskeard and Looe Foodbank received a grant of £1,000 in January 2020 and supported 30 households with that funding. Rob Humphreys of the Foodbank says “Our clients are already in a financial crisis and dealing with the stress of feeding themselves and their families. This additional money will help to alleviate the additional stress winter brings.”
Please help us help even more people
Your generous donation will mean we can improve the health and wellbeing of more people during the winter of 2020/21.
CLICK HERE to donate online or,
Send a cheque, payable to The Cornwall Community Foundation, in an envelope, addressed: Freepost CORNWALL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. (No stamp or postcode needed)